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Tutorial Introduction

Getting Started​

  1. Obtaining an API Key: Step-by-step guide on how to acquire your unique API key.
  2. API Key Expiry and Revocation: Information on the lifespan of API keys and how to revoke them if necessary.
  3. Obtaining Your Shop ID: Instructions on retrieving your specific shop ID.
  4. Adding IP Addresses to the Whitelist: Ensuring secure access by whitelisting your IP addresses.
  5. Rate-limiting: Guidelines and limits to ensure optimal and fair usage of the API.
  6. Testing Environment (🚧 in development): A sandbox setup for safely testing and debugging your integration.
  7. Configuring Callback: Setting up callbacks for real-time notifications and responses.


Payment Page Options​

  1. Payment Gate Hosted: A seamless solution where the payment gate manages the payment process.
  2. Merchant Hosted (🚧 in development): Allows merchants to host and control their payment process.

Basic Scenarios​

  1. Single-Stage Payment: A straightforward payment flow where the transaction is completed in one step.
  2. Two-Stage Payment (🚧 in development): Enables a two-step transaction process, enhancing security and flexibility.

Order Life Cycle​

Understanding the complete journey of an order from initiation to fulfillment.

Instrument Type​

Various payment methods and options available through the API.

Troubleshooting (🚧 in development)​

Guidance on identifying and resolving common issues