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Release 28.01.2025


Orders and Payouts


The parameter transferType in the response of the Retrieve Payment Methods and Retrieve Payout Methods is now deprecated in favor of transferTypes, which returns an array of strings.

  • This change allows for multiple transferType selections within a single payment method.
    When instrumentType is bank_transfer, please rely on transferTypes. transferType remains for backward compatibility but will be removed in future releases:

    • If only one transfer type is added for payment method for the shop, it will appear in transferType and in transferTypes.
    • If multiple transfer types are added for payment method for the shop, transferType will be null and you should use transferTypes.
  • Added new TransferType values: imps, upi_p2p, upi_fast_vip. For more details, see Payment and Payout Methods.


Release 13.01.2025



  • Added the statusReason field in the following responses:

    This field provides a short explanation for the current status (e.g., need_action, failed, or cancelled).
    It may contain system-generated messages or payment provider error details.
    This field remains empty for statuses like completed or in_progress.

  • Extended transferType options to include pesalink for bank transfers. This broadens the range of available methods.

Release 23.12.2024




  • Added the serialNumber field to voucher payouts in the responses from Retrieve Payout Status and Callback Payout. This is accomplished by introducing a new schema in payoutDetails (data -> payments -> paymentDetails) specifically for voucher support.
  • Added the new fields serialNumber and pin for voucher support in orders in the Retrieve Order Details endpoint and Callback, via a new schema in paymentDetails.
  • Expanded the paymentSystem enum within the paymentDetails object to include maestro:
  • Extended transferType options to include additional methods, such as wise and n26, broadening the range of available payout methods.

Release 04.12.2024



To improve the payment experience and streamline the checkout process, we have updated how customer information is handled in our API.

  • New Feature: Introduced a details object within the customer object in the Create Order endpoint. Merchants can now provide additional customer details, specifically address information, which can be used to pre-fill the payer's information on the payment page.
    To learn more about optimizing the payment page experience, see Optimize the Payment Page Experience.

    • New Fields in details.addressData:
      • city: City name of the customer/payer.
      • countryCode: ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code representing the customer's/payer's country.
      • state: State or province name.
      • zipCode: Postal code.
  • Update: Expanded descriptions of existing transferType options to include:

    • fpx: Financial Process Exchange, an online payment gateway for real-time bank transfers.
    • trustly: Direct bank transfer service allowing payments without using cards.

Release 19.11.2024



As we continue to implement support for cryptocurrency payments/payouts, several updates have been made. All changes are backward-compatible, and additional enhancements are planned for future releases.

  • Update: Modified the rules for specifying cryptoTokenStandard and currency in the Create Order and Create Payout Request endpoints.

  • Update: Expanded the responses of the Retrieve Order Details endpoint under payments -> paymentDetails with new fields for instrumentType=crypto_wallet:

    • senderCryptoAddress: The sender's cryptocurrency wallet address.
    • txHash: The transaction hash of the cryptocurrency payment.
  • Update: Expanded the responses of the Retrieve Payout Status endpoint for instrumentType=crypto_wallet:

    • Under data -> payoutDetails -> sender:
      • senderCryptoAddress: The sender's cryptocurrency wallet address.
      • txHash: The transaction hash of the cryptocurrency payout.
    • Under data -> payoutDetails -> recipient:
      • recipientCryptoAddress: The recipient's cryptocurrency wallet address.
      • recipientCryptoAddressMeta: Additional metadata about the recipient's crypto address, such as network or tag.
      • txHash: The transaction hash of the cryptocurrency payout.


  • Update: Adjusted the Order Status Webhook to align with the documentation. The order of fields within data -> payments -> paymentDetails has been corrected to ensure proper webhook signature formation. The updated field order is as follows:


    "paymentDetails": {
    "paymentSystem": "visa",
    "maskedCardNumber": "123456******1234",
    "rrn": "rrn583743856734",
    "authCode": "auth94753457343"


    "paymentDetails": {
    "paymentSystem": "visa",
    "authCode": "auth94753457343",
    "rrn": "rrn583743856734",
    "maskedCardNumber": "123456******1234"
  • Update: Modified the Payout Status Webhook to match the documentation. The order of fields within data has been corrected for proper webhook signature formation. The updated field order is:


    "data": {
    "id": 54222,
    "shopId": 123,
    "payoutNumber": "56573FDFVFDBWF",
    "payoutStatus": "in_progress",
    "purpose": "string"


    "data": {
    "shopId": 123,
    "id": 54222,
    "payoutStatus": "in_progress",
    "payoutNumber": "56573FDFVFDBWF",
    "purpose": "string"

All other functionalities remain unchanged.

Upcoming Features

  • New Endpoints in Development: Introduced two new endpoints—Create New Customer and Retrieve Customer Information—which are essential for the upcoming support of cryptocurrency payments and payouts. These endpoints are currently under development and are expected to become operational in the next release.

Release 06.11.2024



  • Update: Additional dataEntryModes options have been introduced, including instruction, iframe, and html, providing flexible methods for customer data entry in the Retrieve Payment Methods and Create Order endpoints.
  • Update: Expanded transferType options for payouts, adding the following new methods:
    • sbp - Russian System for Fast Payments
    • open_finance - Open banking options
    • virtual_account - Virtual account payments
    • spei - Mexican interbank electronic payments (SPEI)
    • vietqr - Vietnamese QR code payments
    • paysafecard - Prepaid voucher service
    • multibanco - Portuguese bank transfer method
    • bancontact - Belgian payment method
    • blik - Polish mobile payment system
    • p24 - Przelewy24, a Polish online payment system
    • rapidtransfer - Rapid Transfer for bank payments
    • upi - India’s Unified Payments Interface
    • thb_qr - Thai QR payments
    • sberbank - Sberbank Online for Russian transfers
    • account2card - Direct bank-to-card transfer


Initial support for cryptocurrency transactions has begun, but implementation is still ongoing. Below are the changes introduced so far, with further updates planned for upcoming releases. All modifications are backward-compatible.

  • Update: A new cryptoTokenStandard parameter has been added to the order object in the Create Order endpoint and to the payout in the Create Payout Request , required if the currency is set to a cryptocurrency. This allows specifying the blockchain standard for crypto payments, such as ERC20.
  • Update: The amount and currency fields in order -> cost object were modified to support cryptocurrency transactions, including the addition of decimal precision requirements for crypto and the need to specify cryptoTokenStandard in the Create Order endpoint and in payout -> cost in the Create Payout Request .
  • Update: The customer data container now allows customer details (firstName, lastName, middleName, phone, and email) from the order request to be automatically used on the payment page without re-entry, governed by the Use customer data as payer information setting. This behavior applies across all orders created using the Create Order endpoint.


  • New fields: Added ipAddress, beneficiaryName, and beneficiarySurname to RecipientPersonalData for enhanced payer identification in the Create Payout Request endpoint.
  • Update: Added RUT to RecipientDocuments to support Chilean taxpayer identification in the Create Payout Request endpoint.

Release 22.10.2024



  • New feature: A new status need_action has been added to the status model for both payments and payouts. This status indicates that further action is required to complete the transaction. More details can be found in the Order Actions and Conditions and Payout Scenarios sections.



  • New feature: A new status object has been added to the payoutTransactions array in both the Retrieve Payout Status and Payout Callback endpoints. This object contains:

    • status: The current state of the payout, with possible values: in_progress, completed, cancelled, failed, and the new need_action.
    • details: Nullable object providing additional error details if the payout fails, including:
      • errorId: Unique error identifier.
      • providerMessage: Error message from the payment provider.
      • code: Internal error code for categorizing the error.
  • New feature: A new status object has been added to the payoutTransactions array in both the Retrieve Payout Status and Payout Callback endpoints to enhance payout status reporting. It includes the current state of the payout and detailed error information if the payout fails.

Release 08.10.2024



  • Bug fix: The Callback Payout now adheres to the documentation correctly. Previously, the callback was not matching the described behavior in the docs.
  • Bug fix: Resolved an issue where the Create Payout Request was returning an error for a valid request in some scenarios.


  • Update: The default cancellation time for orders has been reduced to 15 minutes. Refer to the timeLimit parameter in the Create Order endpoint for more details.

    • If no active transaction is initiated by the payer within the first 15 minutes, the order will be automatically cancelled with the status cancelled.
    • If a transaction is initiated within this window, the order will remain active for an additional week. However, if a final successful status is not received from the payment provider within this extended period, the order will be cancelled.
  • Bug fix: Fixed an issue where customer details in a previous order were sometimes overwritten by updated data for the same customerId from a new order. Now, customer details always reflect the information provided at the time of the order's creation, even if they were changed in subsequent orders for the same customerId. This applies to both the Retrieve Order Details endpoint and the Callback.

Release 24.09.2024




  • New Parameter: Added transactionId field to the payments object in both the Retrieve Order Details API response and the Order Status Callback. This new field allows merchants to track the unique identifier for each transaction associated with an order, improving traceability and reconciliation of payments.