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API Call Sequence


The Payouts feature facilitates the initiation and management of payout requests for specified shops. It allows for the definition of payout amounts and purposes.

API Call Sequence

  1. Retrieve Payout Methods: Obtain the available payout methods for your shop.
  2. Get Required Payout Fields: Based on the providerCode and InstrumentType, obtain the necessary fields required for executing a payout. The available options for these parameters can be acquired by contacting technical support. The available providerCode and InstrumentType for your shop can be obtained from technical support.
  3. Create Payout Request: A payout request is created by specifying the necessary details obtained from the previous step.
  4. Check Payout Status: After initiating a payout, its status can be tracked through the retrieval endpoint, providing transparency and updates on the payout process.

Payout Life Cycle

registeredThis is a technical status indicating that the payout has been registered in the system. Immediately after registration, the payout transitions to in_progress.
in_progressThe payout has been created and is in progress. It can transition to Rejected if not completed within the allotted time and be cancelled due to timeout, to Failed if there is a problem on the provider's side, or to Completed if the payout is successfully processed.
сompletedThe payout has been successfully completed.
failedThe payout did not go through on the provider's side. Provider error.
rejectedThe payout was cancelled due to a timeout.
cancelledIn development. Currently not in use.