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Release 19.11.2024



As we continue to implement support for cryptocurrency payments/payouts, several updates have been made. All changes are backward-compatible, and additional enhancements are planned for future releases.

  • Update: Modified the rules for specifying cryptoTokenStandard and currency in the Create Order and Create Payout Request endpoints.

  • Update: Expanded the responses of the Retrieve Order Details endpoint under payments -> paymentDetails with new fields for instrumentType=crypto_wallet:

    • senderCryptoAddress: The sender's cryptocurrency wallet address.
    • txHash: The transaction hash of the cryptocurrency payment.
  • Update: Expanded the responses of the Retrieve Payout Status endpoint for instrumentType=crypto_wallet:

    • Under data -> payoutDetails -> sender:
      • senderCryptoAddress: The sender's cryptocurrency wallet address.
      • txHash: The transaction hash of the cryptocurrency payout.
    • Under data -> payoutDetails -> recipient:
      • recipientCryptoAddress: The recipient's cryptocurrency wallet address.
      • recipientCryptoAddressMeta: Additional metadata about the recipient's crypto address, such as network or tag.
      • txHash: The transaction hash of the cryptocurrency payout.


  • Update: Adjusted the Order Status Webhook to align with the documentation. The order of fields within data -> payments -> paymentDetails has been corrected to ensure proper webhook signature formation. The updated field order is as follows:


    "paymentDetails": {
    "paymentSystem": "visa",
    "maskedCardNumber": "123456******1234",
    "rrn": "rrn583743856734",
    "authCode": "auth94753457343"


    "paymentDetails": {
    "paymentSystem": "visa",
    "authCode": "auth94753457343",
    "rrn": "rrn583743856734",
    "maskedCardNumber": "123456******1234"
  • Update: Modified the Payout Status Webhook to match the documentation. The order of fields within data has been corrected for proper webhook signature formation. The updated field order is:


    "data": {
    "id": 54222,
    "shopId": 123,
    "payoutNumber": "56573FDFVFDBWF",
    "payoutStatus": "in_progress",
    "purpose": "string"


    "data": {
    "shopId": 123,
    "id": 54222,
    "payoutStatus": "in_progress",
    "payoutNumber": "56573FDFVFDBWF",
    "purpose": "string"

All other functionalities remain unchanged.

Upcoming Features

  • New Endpoints in Development: Introduced two new endpoints—Create New Customer and Retrieve Customer Information—which are essential for the upcoming support of cryptocurrency payments and payouts. These endpoints are currently under development and are expected to become operational in the next release.