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Refund Order (🚧 in development)



Process a refund for an order. This action is only available for orders with the status 'completed'. Refer to the Order Actions and Conditions. If the order contains more than one payment, the PaymentId of the payment to be refunded must be specified.



Order parameters

    shopId integerrequired

    ID of the shop where the order is placed. How to get your shopId

    orderNumber stringrequired

    Unique code identifying the specific order.

    PaymentId string

    Identifier for the specific payment that is being refunded. If the order has multiple payments, this must be specified.

    cost objectrequired

    Object specifying the amount and currency for the refund.

    amount string

    The specific sum to be refunded, formatted as a decimal string with a period (.) as the decimal separator.

    currency string

    Currency for the refund, which should match the currency of the original payment. Specifies the currency in ISO 4217 alphabetic code format, consisting of 3 uppercase letters.


Payment refund successful

    data object
    orderNumber stringrequired

    Unique code identifying the specific order.

    operationType stringrequired

    Possible values: [refund]

    Operations type
