Handles the creation, cancellation, rejection, refund, capture, and retrieval of order statuses.
📄️ Create Order
Use this endpoint to initiate a new order.
📄️ Cancel Order
Cancels an existing order in its entirety. When this endpoint is called, the system annuls all successfully processed payments (excluding recurring payments) associated with the order.
📄️ Reject Order (🚧 in development)
Cancel a paid order. This call is only possible for order with status is `in_progress`, the `payments` array within the response of the [Retrieve Order Details](/docs/merchant-api/retrieve-order-details) contain payment item. Refer to the [Order Actions and Conditions](/docs/merchant/orders/order-life-cycle#order-actions-and-conditions).
📄️ Refund Order
Process a full or partial refund for an order.
📄️ Capture Order (🚧 in development)
This endpoint allows you to confirm an order in case of [two-step payment](/docs/merchant/orders/scenarios/two-stage-payments). To utilize this endpoint, the `autocapture` parameter should be set to `false`. This action is only available for orders with the status 'in_progress' and the `payments` array within the response from the [Retrieve Order Details](/docs/merchant-api/retrieve-order-details) endpoint must include at least one payment item. Refer to the [Order Actions and Conditions](/docs/merchant/orders/order-life-cycle#order-actions-and-conditions).
📄️ Retrieve Order Details
Retrieve Order Details
📄️ Retrieve Payment Methods
Retrieves the list of payment methods available for a given shop, identified by its {shopId}. This endpoint provides an unfiltered list of all payment methods applicable to the shop. Optionally, the results can be narrowed down by specifying supported currencies and payment instrument types. The information obtained from this endpoint is essential for the `paymentSettings` object in the [order creation endpoint](/docs/merchant-api/create-order).
📄️ Callback
To promptly inform merchants about changes in the status of processed orders, we send POST requests with order data to the merchant's endpoint.