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Release 30.04.2024

· 3 min read




  • Update: The Developers -> Shop section has been updated to include the ability to specify separate webhook URLs for orders (payment acceptance) and for payouts.
  • New feature: Added a new callback for payouts, enhancing the integration options for payout functionalities.


  • Update: A new parameter acquirerCode has been added to the paymentSettings object of the Create Order endpoint.
  • Update: New possible parameters transferType and purpose have been added to the payments array in the paymentDetails object of the Retrieve Order Details endpoint. These are used for instrumentType=bank_transfer.
  • Update: A new mandatory parameter acquirerCode has been added to the response of the Retrieve Payment Methods endpoint.


Changes expected in the next release


The callback for orders will change in the next release (14.05.2024) without backward compatibility.

Lines highlighted will be removed from the webhook in the next release.

"id": 77,
"number": "7_1706275173",
"status": "in_progress",
"cost": {
"amount": "56.99",
"currency": "USD"
"timeLimit": {
"date": "2024-01-27 07:45:51.000000",
"timezone_type": 3,
"timezone": "UTC"
"orderCreatedAt": {
"date": "2024-01-26 13:19:33.222170",
"timezone_type": 3,
"timezone": "UTC"
"orderPaidAt": {
"date": "2024-01-26 13:19:33.222170",
"timezone_type": 3,
"timezone": "UTC"
"captureNeeded": false,
"payments": [
"id": "79",
"type": "payment",
"parentPaymentId": "83",
"cost": {
"amount": "56.99",
"currency": "USD"
"acquirerCode": "fyst",
"paymentMethod": "card",
"paymentDetails": {
"type": "card",
"authCode": "auth94753457343",
"rrn": "rrn583743856734",
"maskedCardNumber": "123456******1234"
"customer": {
"id": 13,
"name": "John",
"middleName": "James",
"surname": "Doe",
"phone": "79221110500",
"email": ""
"data": {
"shopId": 123,
"orderNumber": "56573FDFVFDBWF",
"orderStatus": "in_progress",
"cost": {
"amount": "56.99",
"currency": "USD"
"timeLimit": "2023-08-29T15:34:56+03:00",
"orderCreatedAt": "2023-08-29T15:34:56+03:00",
"orderPaidAt": "2023-08-29T15:34:56+03:00",
"autoCapture": true,
"payments": [
"paymentId": "79",
"paymentType": "payment",
"parentPayment": "83",
"cost": {
"amount": "56.99",
"currency": "USD"
"acquirer": {
"code": "fyst"
"instrumentType": "card",
"paymentDetails": {
"authCode": "auth94753457343",
"maskedCardNumber": "123456******1234",
"rrn": "rrn583743856734"
"customer": {
"customerId": "56656",
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Doe",
"middleName": "James",
"phone": "79221110500",
"email": ""