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Release 04.03.2024


New Features

  • Added: New endpoint Retrieve Payment Methods to retrieve payment methods.

    • Details: The new endpoint allows merchants to fetch all available payment methods for a specified shop via its shopId. The information obtained serves to fill the paymentSettings object with necessary data during the order creation process.
  • Added: Payouts are now supported with three new endpoints for handling payout processes.

    • Create Payout Request: New endpoint to initiate a new payout request.
      • Details: Merchants can now initiate payout requests.
    • Retrieve Payout Status: New endpoint to retrieve the current status of a specific payout operation for a shop.
      • Details: This endpoint provides the ability to check the status of a payout operation.
    • Retrieve Required Payout Fields: New endpoint to retrieve necessary data fields for initiating a payout through a specific provider.
      • Details: Merchants can retrieve the required fields for the recipient object necessary for initiating a payout, specific to a provider and instrument type.


  • Update: In the Create Order endpoint, the orderNumber parameter is now mandatory for creating an order.
    • Details: The orderNumber serves as a unique identifier for the order, which you need to generate. It must be specific to the shopId and unique for each order within that shopId.